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Wednesday, July 01, 2009



to|rang - Photography and painting by Maryam Tohid

Here's my new website - featuring my recent art work: www.torang.com

Photography and painting by Maryam Tohidi

Check it out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Looooooong time, no see!

It's been a long time since I have written a blog.
But guess what? I have a huge paper due tomorrow, a presentation the day after, and A TON of reading still left to do... so what better way to AVOID all this work but writing a BLOG!!! I am sure TONS of people were anxiously waiting for a new blog!

Ya righttt!

Back to work.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

To Go, or Not To Go. That is the Question!

I’ve got the Visor Disease... Az dasteh in Visor!! I donno whether I can go to NY or not! And I am getting addicted to this Orkut thing! Bad, bad Orkut! A lot of girlz have been hitting on me lately! Everything is upside-down, or inside-out, or... well, just a big mess.

On a positive note, I saw Shrek II today! It is sooooo funny!! Would see it again, any time!!

Felan Ciao.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Zohre Dam Kardeye Tabestaan bood...

It's summer! There was no Spring... no no! No such thing in Canada. It was winter a couple of days ago... and then BOOM! It's HOT now!

And guess what? I have a cold! :( How did I catch a cold in this weather, I am not sure... but I am all sneezy and drwozy...

To agar dar tapeshe baagh khodaa raa didi, hemmat kon, va begoo Maryam davaa mikhaahad.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

If someone writes a blog in the forest and no one reads it...

I guess there is at least one other person in the forest.
Thanks Chulaka for your wonderful contribution to this blog - my very first comment!

Werdz of WiZdom from Master Chulaka... :P

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

living in TO

Ok, this is cool! I feel like writing another one! :) Besides that means more procrastinating! Let’s write a bit about life in Toronto.

I’ve been living here now for a bit over 5 months! Here are some of the stuff I’ve done in TO, in no particular order!

Saw the Dalai Lama! Saw a ballet (Sleeping Beauty). Went to a musical (Mama Mia). Went to a couple of YukYuk shows (in one show even dared to sit in the front row! The comedians made jokes about us the whole night!) Saw the crazy German dude who kept saying YaVol! (If you don’t know him count yourself lucky!) Saw the bands the Calculators, and the DooWops! Went to the AGO, and saw the Frank Gehry models for the new building. Went to the OCAD’s bizzaro shoe box building and saw their graduate’s art work. Went to the St. Lawrence market. Such a cute place. Been to a few cheap movies at the Rainbow cinemas. Saw Kill Bill there! Saw Shirin Ebadi and went to her panel discussion about Human Rights. Went to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). Went to the Bata Shoe Museum. Had a bunch of $1 subs! (They are actually not so bad). Learnt a bit of Spanish! (Un Poco) Had lotsa Sushi (At I love Sushi! :) Been to the GUV a few times!! What a crazy place. Been to Film and a couple of other clubs! Including a gay-salsa club with a drag-queen show! Who would have thought? A gay-salsa club!! Met a funky DJ - Amir! Had a couple of Amir’s Hard Cranberry Martinis, among others! Went to the Hart House film festival (what a mistake). Walked up and down Queen street a million times. (It’s always fun). Met B.Bx at the 888 gallery a couple of times. Found my favorite Starbucks coffee place. Got overdosed on China Town. Been to the Kensington market a lot. Had awesome teas at the MoonBean café. Got me some Barbari! Ate on top of the world’s tallest building (360). The best deserts on earth! Well, half way between the earth and the sky! Ran into Leith. Went to Paeez, and tried their anaar martini. Went to an excellent shabe she’r at U of T. Had a couple of small shabe she’r (and of course sharaab) here in my room. Oh, painted my room GREEN! (that was the first thing I did in TO!) Found an amazing bead store!! (I need more time man!) Saw a bunch of galleries on Queen St. Got into watching hockey!!! (I thought that would never happen!) Ate a lot of chocolate, Chinese cookies, and other sorts of yummi junk! And last but not least, started this blog!

It’s getting late, and I am getting tired of making this list… Better get some sleep. Maybe I can find the answer to the memex question tomorrow!

first real post

Ok, seems like torang is up and running.

Now... what to write? that is the question!

Before I went about creating this blog, I was trying to find the answer to this question:

Been thinking about it, and reading about it for a while... and no answer yet. Anyways, hopeless as I was, I decided to procrastinate a bit! So, I figured I’ll make a blog! And an hour later, here I am...

Funny thing - at first it allowed me to use torang as the address. Then it said it is already taken! and rightfully so. I checked www.torang.blogspot.com and there was an existing blog. Someone has been writing it for a while. I posted my first test anyways, out of curiosity to see what happens! And boom, his blog disappeared! So, if you are the previous owner of this blog, I apologize! really... It was unintentional! I swear! Please don’t hunt me down! I just had to have a blog named torang! Check out www.torang.ca if you don’t believe me...

So, anywayz! what do you think? Do we have a memex??!

test 123

1.. 2.. 3..